Best cpa study material ninja
Best cpa study material ninja

best cpa study material ninja

Usually this meant just getting the next unit’s multiple choice questions completed. If there was a unit that was not as heavy with information I would try and get a head start on the next unit. The third day I would take at least two of the CPA test prep quizzes and then do the Tasked-Based Simulations. The second day I would review the Knowledge Transfer Outline in its entirety and then take the second multiple choice quiz. I would take the first multiple choice quiz, watch all of the videos, and then take the Focus Questions test. My goal was to finish a unit every 3 days, so I would have a lot of review time at the end before the final exam. I wanted tunnel vision on this exam.Įach CPA exam section is broken down into 20 units with the Gleim study system. I wanted to make sure I was only focused on the exam and didn’t have any work related issues on my mind.

best cpa study material ninja

I scheduled all of my exam dates for Saturdays toward the afternoon and usually took the Friday off of work. Below is my specific high level study schedule for the exam using Gleim as my study guide:

best cpa study material ninja

The window starts back up in April again. For example, you can take the test in either January or February and then in March, testing is closed. The CPA exam schedule consists of a two month window to take the test and then testing is closed for a month. Remember that you only have 18 months to pass all four sections, so if you follow my test pace of one every 3 months, you can only fail twice before you need to double up on tests in one window. The goal would be to be done within about a year. How I Studied for the CPA Exam with Gleim: My recommendation for taking the exam is to take one section every 3 months. If you commute into work with public transportation this can be extremely valuable. The Gleim website was formatted well for each device. I was also able to access the Gleim material from my Kindle and Iphone as well. This was especially nice for study sessions at lunch while at work. You can study all of the Gleim material online from any computer, so there was no need to have one computer with all of the study material downloaded on to it. One small feature that I really liked that was included was the study calendar that tracked if you were on pace to take your exam as well as helped you set up a study schedule. I didn’t use the personal counselor much, but it was a nice extra feature to have. You are also given a personal counselor that you can call or email. The videos are entertaining enough and the professors teaching try their best to keep you focused. Their study system includes videos, text material, multiple choice questions, and simulation questions. I was able to pass all sections on my first attempt and I am not a genius, so I truly believe they cover everything you need without breaking the bank. I think overall I paid about $1,000 for all the CPA exam material from Gleim. I found Gleim to be one of the cheaper study systems, but it was still high quality. When studying for the CPA Exam I used the Gleim study guide with some extra questions I purchased from Ninja CPA Review. It is nearly impossible to pass the exams without it. Your old text books have bits and pieces of information needed for each section, but are not specific enough. The exam is broken up into 4 sections and the CPA study guides are designed to specifically address each. School text books are a great reference, but are not focused enough on what is included on the CPA exams.

best cpa study material ninja

Your school text books alone are not enough to pass. This is the first step to passing the exam. Instructor and student exchanges occur in the virtual world through such methods as chat, e-mail or other web-based communication.If you decide to take a stab at passing the CPA exam, it is important that you purchase a CPA study guide. Online students may participate in live interactions and real-time feedback for such things as quizzes and tests. Yes, online schooling is the best idea for every learner. It can be hard for some students to stay motivated when they'd rather be doing something else. Online courses require more self-motivation. Online classes are no easier than classes offered in the traditional classroom setting and in some cases can be even be more difficult. Online degrees are relatively new in higher education, and still evolving. Generally, any accredited degree offered by an institution of higher education certified as such within in a major country will be recognized as a valid degree.

Best cpa study material ninja